Eating For Your Body Type

The Body Type Diet is an approach to weight loss that takes into an account the individual’s metabolism, body shape and physical characteristics. This approach takes an individuals shape and metabolic rate to determine which gland is strongest in controlling your metabolism.

If you are a big diet book reader, like the rest of us, you may have heard of Body Type Dieting. The body types have been listed by a few different names like apple, pear, spoon, ectomorph, endomorph, mesomorph and so on. But, they are all basically talking about the same thing: eating the correct foods, avoiding cravings and utilizing the correct exercises to help you, as a unique individual, to lose weight.

Body types can never be changed, even through training. But, no matter what body type you possess, you can still lose weight relatively easily by implementing the correct diet and exercise program.

There are four specific types of bodies for women and three specific types of bodies for men.

You might wonder why is there no male Gonadal Type. The gonads, also called the sex glands, are different in women (ovaries) and men (testes). For a woman, the Gonadal Type is dominated by her ovaries and can shape her body type with her hormones.

However, the testosterone from the gonad sex glands in men already play a significant role in their body composition naturally, which is why men have stronger muscles, heavier bones, facial hair and so on. Because of this masculine nature in men, all men are classified as Gonadal, and male weight gain and cravings are related to a secondary gland.


The four different body types provide insight into where an individual tends to accumulate fat, his or her personal energy levels, food cravings and even behaviors.

Below is a breakdown of the specific traits that are linked to a specific gland. You should be able to determine your body type below. Many people will fall into a few areas, but only one dominates each person. This is the gland you will focus on for your diet and exercise plans.Eliminating food cravings is one of the most important things you will do to help you lose weight. These cravings feed the gland that controls your weight and will over stimulate the gland, leading to higher stress levels, lower energy and faster weight gain. To successfully lose weight, you must know your Body Type! Look for the traits that match you best.

Dominant GlandShapeCelebrityCravingEnergy
Problem Areas
ThyroidHigh waist, long limbs. Tend to gain weight all over. This is the most common body type.Mel Gibson, Rene RussoStarch, carbs, caffeine, sweets.High energy followed by crash.Waist, upper hips, and thighs.
AdrenalBroad shoulders, well-developed muscular structure, strong torso, extra fat in stomach or back.Bruce Willis, Oprah WinfreySalt, fat, alcohol.Steady energy level, low energy at night.Upper back, breasts, stomach.
GonadalPear shape, round bottom, slim top.Jennifer LopezSpicy, creamy or rich foods.Strong, even energy level throughout day.Mostly on the rear, to a lesser extent the hips and outer thighs.
PituitarySmall, childlike, with a “baby fat” or “soft” appearance.Bill Clinton, Rachel RayDairy and sweets.High energy in morning, low energy in evening.Evenly spread throughout the body.



Eat: The suggested foods that are really good for this type are high in protein and low in carbohydrates. Also, be very careful of low-fat dairy foods that are low in fat but high in sugar, as they may not be listed as a sugar item. Sugar substitutes are acceptable, but Thyroid Types will want to avoid caffeine and substitute with herbal teas instead. Snacks may include hard-boiled eggs, lean meats or some type of protein and/or tea.

Avoid: Thyroid Types should avoid white flour, caffeine, sugar, desserts, fruit juice, canned fruit, dried fruit, frozen fruit, pasta, bread, fried food and heavy oils.

Exercise: Swimming and low impact aerobics are perfect for Thyroid Types. Twenty to thirty minute workouts might be best, two to three times per week. Walking is the most natural to this body type and may be done every day. This type doesn’t need to go for the strenuous workout because it often will lead to fatigue and more frequent energy peaks and crashes.


Eat: Adrenal Types need to eat foods high in potassium, calcium and vitamin C, such as leafy greens, mushrooms, oranges, grapefruit and apples. Adrenal Types should also consume at least one serving of lean meat to replace loss of muscle and plenty of vegetables.

Avoid: Adrenal Types should avoid salty fatty foods, such as chips and similar snack foods, fast foods and fatty foods. They should also stay away from alcoholic beverages.

Exercise: Adrenal Types will find power walking, regular walking or jogging their best type of exercises (wearing light arm weights can be an added bonus). Another type of exercise that will serve this type well is dancing or gymnastics. The main idea is to bring balance to their upper and lower body at the same time while focusing on flexibility, energy levels and toning the midsection.


Eat: Gonadal Types need to consume lots of cruciferous vegetables (Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower), since they are anti-estrogenic. They should also consume at least one 3 oz serving of lean protein to help trigger fat-burning hormones. Meats and fats consumed should be hormone-free, since environmental hormones can affect ovaries. Snacks or small meals may include, a raw fruit, soymilk, or lean protein.

Avoid: Gonadal Types should avoid chips, spices, heavy creams, butter, desserts, caffeine, fats, oils, pork, organ meats, sugar, ice cream, fried foods, and all rich creamy foods.

Exercise: Ideally, this type should combine light and intense exercises for maximum benefit.


Eat: To be in balance, Pituitary Types need protein more than any of the other types. The eating of protein will slim you down if needed and provide extra energy. This protein should mainly come from fish and poultry. Turkey is the best fowl. Eat your largest meal in the morning a decent sized lunch and a small dinner. Avoid snacking before bed. Snacks should come from healthy proteins such as nuts, nut butters, or hard-boiled eggs.

Your breakfast should be a good size meal and should contain protein. Lunch is the same, again having protein. Supper is the lighter meal and you will sleep better if your supper is light and there is no snack before bed. Snacks should come from healthy proteins such as nuts, nut butters, or hard-boiled eggs.

Avoid: Type Four bodies should avoid sugar/desserts, cookies, white flour, ice cream, sour cream, yellow cheese, butter, fried foods and dairy products.

Exercise: Pituitary Types will find aerobic dance and martial arts as great forms of fat burning exercises. It is recommend engaging in these forms of exercises at least two to three times a week. Walking is the most natural exercise. However, it is not the best choice for this type because of their constant thinking. It is best to partake in a form of exercise that does not allow your mind to wander.

** Remember, healthy weight loss is 1 to 2 lbs a week. Quick weight loss is not only unhealthy, it is also temporary. Slow and steady is best for your health and continued weight loss **

By finding your specific body type – Thyroid, Adrenal, Pituitary, Gonadal – or blend of body types, you should be able to tailor your diet and exercise regimen to allow your body to shed pounds more effectively and increase-energy levels. Each person is unique and therefore each approach to weight loss will be unique. Body types can never be changed, even through training. But, no matter what body type you possess, you can still lose weight relatively easily by implementing and maintaining the correct diet. It is important to know your body and to take great care of your body. You need to fuel it correctly to attain good health and longevity. 

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