Home Cures Natural First Aid Kit

Hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, and earthquakes–nature has not spared her fury recently. If you have not been affected, you probably know someone who has. Because of this, survival kits have been growing in popularity. People are even starting to take food and water storage more seriously. However, one thing that most disaster planning kits lack is natural medicines.

Most of us do not have access to antibiotics and other prescription meds to add to our survival kits. You might have a first aid kit, but are you stocked up with products that could combat illness? Should a biological attack or deadly flu virus sweep the nation, would you have the resources available to combat its threat? There are several things I feel are essential to stock up on and store in case of a disaster or outbreak. If a true disaster was to occur and you had no access to medical treatment, having certain natural remedies on hand could save your life.

I have put together what I feel is a thorough and effective natural first aid kit. This is not a substitute for a regular first aid kit, but rather something to add to it. Many of these natural medicines are just as effective as prescription drugs, specifically antibiotics.

Take note that several of these supplements have proven in labs to kill the bird flu and the swine flu. If a biological attack were to ever occur, you would have a cabinet full of immune boosters and virus and bacteria killers to combat that attack.

Natural Antibiotics and Antivirals

Colloidal Silver

Colloidal silver is a natural antibiotic and is great for any kind of bacterial infection. I prefer the Mesosilver brand because it is non-toxic, nano-particle silver. I have used Mesosilver in my eyes, my kid’s ears, in my sinuses and even sprayed it on wounds. It can also be taken internally daily for prevention.

Because it is nano-particle silver, it is processed out of your body within 24 hours. This colloidal silver does not build up in your system and is very safe for children.

Mesosilver can also be purchased in 1-gallon and 5-gallon jugs at a discounted rate. With an infinite shelf life, you don’t have to worry about it ever going bad.

Oil of Oregano

Oil of oregano is another very powerful natural antibiotic. It is contains anti-fungal, anti-parasitic and anti-inflammatory properties. One great book about the wonders of oil of oregano is called, The Cure in the Cupboard.

I have seen it do wonders for many people, especially with sinus infections. Lab studies have shown that it is one of the strongest antibiotics at killing Staph, E. coli and many other bacteria.

I personally use the North American Herb and Spice Oil of Oregano and feel it is quite superior to all others.  It has the shelf life of about 3 years.  It’s fine to use after it’s newly expired, but may lack strength.

Grapefruit Seed Extract

This is probably one of my newest favorites to have on hand. Grapefruit seed extract, or GSE, has hundreds of uses. It is a wonderful sanitizer to have around the house. You can sanitize surfaces, your toothbrush and kill germs on fruits and veggies. The list is truly never ending.

This non-toxic safe germ killer can also make drinking water safe. Just add 10 drops per gallon of water to kill off bad bacteria. Taken internally, grapefruit seed extract can treat colds, the flu, candida and parasites.

Nutribiotic is my favorite brand of grapefruit seed extract. It is fairly inexpensive and lasts about 5 years.

Thieves Oil Blend

This blend of essential oils originates back to the 15th century. A group of perfumers turned grave robbers doused themselves in this blend of oils and were able to rob jewelry off corpses during the bubonic plague.

This oil blend can also be mixed with honey and taken internally to kill bacteria and viruses. I have some in a small spray bottle mixed with grain alcohol. I spray this on my hands when I feel I need them sanitized.

My favorite company that produces the thieves blend is Young Living Oils. I have personally heard many encouraging testimonies about thieves oil and it’s ability to heal and prevent illnesses.  It has about a 5-year shelf life.


Iodine always gets press when there is a threat of nuclear attack or fallout, but iodine does much more than protect you from the effects of radioactive iodine. Long before big pharmaceutical companies existed, the natural iodine mineral was the medicine of choice used by doctors. It was primarily used to treat bacteria and viruses and disinfect wounds.

Iodine should not just be in your cabinet for a “just in case” situation. It is essential to the body and should be taken daily! Dr. David Brownstein, author of “Iodine: Why you need it; Why you can’t live without it,” recommends at minimum 12.5-25 mgs a day. You can double or triple the dosage to treat an illness. You can also put 8 drops of iodine in a liter of water to sanitize it.

I feel that Lugol’s iodine is the best form available.  It usually doesn’t expire for about 5 to 7 years.

Natural Wound Treatments


Arnica is fantastic to have on hand to treat wounds, bruising and swelling. There are pills or a liquid form you can take internally, as well as gels and creams to apply externally. Arnica can be taken alone or in combinations with other homeopathic natural remedies.

I really like a product called Traumeel. It is formulated for trauma and does contain other homeopathic ingredients blended with arnica. Taken both internally and applied externally, I’ve seen this combo work fast and effectively for injuries by reducing swelling and inflammation.  Shelf life on gels and creams is always less than pills.  The topical form of arnica will expire after around 2 years whereas the pills will last closer to 5.

Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe vera gel is one of the best things for burns and any sort of skin irritation, great for healing because it contains enzymes and minerals. Make sure the aloe gel you purchase has a nice golden color. Clear aloe lacks the golden sap that contains the most therapeutic properties.

Aloe Life makes some of the best aloe on the market. I have seen it relieve sunburns within a few hours.  Good aloe vera usually expires after 2-3 years.

Drawing Salves

Although they are not as popular as they were 50 years ago, drawing salves still get the job done. Whether you have a splinter, thorn, bee sting or bug bite, this salve draws it out.

Prid Salve is probably the most popular one on the market, but there are many other great black drawing salves available.  Drawing salves typical have a 5-year expiration.

Don’t Wait, Use These Remedies Now!

With one disaster after another sweeping the land, many people are in the worst situations they could ever imagine: fires, earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes and floods. Nature has not spared her fury!

No matter where you live, no one is outside the limits of being affected.  Whether it is another natural disaster or something not so natural like a terrorist attack, everyone should be prepared.  Getting prepared is one of the wisest things you can do for both yourself and your family.

Creating a natural first aid kit is one of the best decisions you can make for yourself and your family.  I actually recommend having two kits: one to put away with your other survival items and another to use now.  Having two makes sure that you always have plenty around in case of emergency.  When you run out, take one from the survival kit and replenish it with a new one.  This keeps you from having any expired items in your kit.

For the start of the flu season, spray thieves oil directly on the soles of your feet to protect from colds and flu. Or, drink a few drops in water or juice every three hours to stop a cold.

Also, using the remedies now gets you in the habit of understanding how well they work, and what dosages work well for you and your family. Try these natural remedies out now and I promise you’ll see results.

Don’t wait any longer to get prepared.  For anyone who is looking to build their natural first aid kit it could save you both time and money to simply put all the pieces together today and have them all on hand at home. The list of common items incudes: colloidal silver, oil of oregano, grapefruit seed extract, thieves oil, iodine, arnica, aloe vera and drawing salves. All of these natural medicines are safe, inexpensive and gentle enough for even the little ones in the house. Compiling a natural first aid kit gives you the calm assurance that if disaster were to strike you would have “medicine”—natural medicine.

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