In the past, being large and round was considered a sign of wealth due to the consumption of fatty meals. However, in modern times, fat has been associated with an unhealthy lifestyle that leads to heart disease. Despite the consensus among health professionals that healthy fats are beneficial for overall health, many people still have reservations due to its negative reputation.

It is important to differentiate between good and bad fats, as trans fat and saturated fat found in processed foods increase bad cholesterol levels and promote undesirable growth. On the other hand, healthy fats are essential to the nervous system and aid in the absorption of Vitamins A, D, and E.

Olive oil and avocado are well-known sources of healthy fats, but here are 3 other options recommended by health professionals:

  1. Macadamia Oil: This type of oil is high in antioxidants, which protect against cell damage, and contains more monounsaturated fats than olive or flaxseed oil. It is a great substitute for olive oil in homemade dressings and ideal for cooking vegetables on the stove.
  2. Ghee: Also known as clarified butter, ghee is a pure form of butterfat that is easier to digest than vegetable oil or regular butter due to the removal of lactose during the cooking process. It is packed with antioxidants, reduces inflammation, and improves the immune system, making it a popular choice in the East Indian culture.
  3. Almond Butter: This nut butter is an excellent source of monounsaturated fats, with a low sugar content, high omega-3 content, and no hydrogenated oil. It is also high in calcium and magnesium, both of which improve bone strength and muscle and nerve function. Almond butter can be used in a variety of dishes, including oatmeal, smoothies, and on sprouted bread.

As with any food, it is essential to consume healthy fats in moderation. Eating excessive amounts of these healthy fats can negate their benefits and lead to weight gain. However, incorporating moderate amounts of these superstars into your diet can improve your immune system and promote fat burning, making them a great addition to any healthy lifestyle.

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