It’s one of the most incredible nutrients FOR our bodies. Our bodies MAKE this nutrient, and it’s also considered a hormone. Any guesses?
Here are some fun facts :
- Vitamin D is often referred to as the “sunshine vitamin,” and it’s because our body produces it when exposed to sunlight. Unfortunately, most people are deficient in vitamin D due to factors such as living in areas with limited sunlight or not spending enough time outdoors. Most people need to supplement, and that’s one of the reasons Barton Nutrition created CinnaChroma. (You can find more info on their site)

- Vitamin D is a steroid hormone that’s related to estrogen, cortisol, and DHEA. It affects our hormone system as well. By balancing our hormones, vitamin D can help with issues such as depression, anxiety, and fatigue.
- Vitamin D binds to a protein called macrophage activating factor, which allows macrophages (a type of white blood cell) to function better. This is crucial because macrophages help remove dead and cancerous cells, which in turn decreases the risk of cancer.
- Vitamin D also stimulates our cellular immunity, which helps our body fight off infections.
- Studies have shown that having adequate levels of vitamin D decreases the risk of certain cancers, such as colon and breast cancer. Surprisingly, it doesn’t reduce the risk of skin cancer, but it does reduce the risk of melanoma.
- Concerning Type 2 Diabetes: Insulin resistance is a common problem for those with type 2. If your body lacks vitamin D, it can worsen your insulin resistance. When you have enough vitamin D, your body becomes more insulin sensitive, resulting in regulated blood sugar and lower insulin levels.
5,000 units per day. This amount is enough to get you into the normal range, which is usually around 40-50 on most tests. Some people may opt to take 10,000 units a day, which is perfectly fine as long as it doesn’t exceed 100 when you test.
Overall, vitamin D is an amazing nutrient that our body needs to function properly. Spend some time outdoors, eat foods high in vitamin D (such as fatty fish and egg yolks), or take a supplement like CinnaChroma. Your body will thank you for it!
-Leslie Prins
Transcribed from Barton Webinars