Type 2 and Sexual Dysfunction

In the world of medicine, it’s not uncommon for patients to come in with various concerns, and one topic that often surfaces is the relationship between type 2 diabetes and sexual dysfunction. Many individuals, whether they have been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes or not, may experience issues related to sexual health. In this friendly doctor’s article, we’ll explore the less talked about aspect of type 2 diabetes—its impact on sexual function.

**Understanding the Sensitive Issue of Sexual Dysfunction:**

Sexual dysfunction, including conditions like erectile dysfunction, can be a sensitive subject for individuals to discuss, particularly for men. The term “impotent” carries a significant emotional weight, implying a sense of powerlessness, which can be challenging for anyone to acknowledge.

In diabetes, especially type 2 diabetes, sexual dysfunction can arise due to various factors. It’s vital to recognize that while the role of blood vessels in sexual function is often emphasized, the majority of sexual dysfunction cases are rooted in the brain. This is where emotions and control originate, and it’s the starting point for the complex process of sexual arousal.

The brain sends signals through the vagus nerve, triggering blood vessels to constrict and veins to narrow. This process results in increased blood flow to the penis, creating an erection. When sexual desire or interest wanes, the brain may cease sending these signals, inhibiting the blood vessels’ ability to constrict and maintain an erection. This emotional and psychological aspect is a significant contributor to sexual dysfunction.

**The Role of Diabetes in Sexual Dysfunction:**

Diabetes, specifically type 2 diabetes, can exacerbate sexual dysfunction in multiple ways. Here’s how it happens:

1. **Medications for Blood Pressure:** Many individuals with type 2 diabetes also have high blood pressure, leading to the use of blood pressure medications. Some of these drugs relax blood vessels, which can interfere with the body’s ability to achieve and maintain an erection. This is due to the medication dilating blood vessels, counteracting the natural constriction needed for an erection.

2. **Damage to Blood Vessels:** Diabetes can lead to damage in the lining of blood vessels, impairing blood flow. This can result in the blood vessels not functioning properly, making it challenging to achieve a satisfactory erection.

3. **Hormonal Imbalances in Women:** In women with type 2 diabetes, hormonal imbalances can occur due to insulin resistance, leading to changes in hormone levels, including testosterone and estrogen. These imbalances can affect sexual response and desire.

4. **High Blood Sugar Impact:** Elevated blood sugar levels associated with diabetes can damage blood vessels. When blood vessels don’t function correctly, it can be challenging to achieve a strong erection, similar to how neuropathy can interfere with nerve function.

5. **Increased Stress:** The emotional toll of sexual dysfunction can add stress to an individual’s life, potentially worsening both blood pressure and blood sugar control.

**Addressing Sexual Dysfunction in Diabetes:**

Recognizing the intimate connection between diabetes and sexual dysfunction is crucial. While medications like Viagra can be helpful in some cases, it’s equally important to address the underlying issues.

1. **Manage Blood Sugar:** Properly managing blood sugar levels is the first step in improving sexual function. This involves dietary changes, exercise, and medication management as prescribed by a healthcare provider.

2. **Review Medications:** If you suspect that your medications, especially those for blood pressure, are contributing to sexual dysfunction, discuss alternative options with your healthcare provider.

3. **Hormone Balance:** Hormone therapy, under medical supervision, may help restore hormonal balance in both men and women with diabetes.

4. **Stress Management:** Reducing stress through relaxation techniques, counseling, or other methods can have a positive impact on sexual health.

5. **Lifestyle Changes:** Adopting a healthy lifestyle that includes regular physical activity, a balanced diet, and weight management can significantly improve blood sugar control and overall health.


Sexual dysfunction is a common but often unspoken issue for individuals with type 2 diabetes. Understanding the various factors contributing to this problem is the first step toward addressing it effectively. By managing blood sugar levels, reviewing medications, and making necessary lifestyle changes, individuals with diabetes can improve their sexual health and overall well-being. It’s essential to approach this issue with empathy, understanding that it can be challenging for patients to discuss openly, but by doing so, we can provide valuable support and guidance.

From Dr. Scott Saunders and the Fix Blood Sugar Webinar

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